It was too crowded for us to perform Sa`y


Q: Five years ago, my young son and I performed `Umrah (lesser pilgrimage). It was very crowded as this was on the twenty-sixth of Ramadan. We circumambulated around Al-Bayt (the House: another name for the Ka`bah) but could not perform Sa`y (going between Safa and Marwah during Hajj and `Umrah), so we returned to Jazan. After `Eid-ul-Fitr (the Festival of Breaking the Fast), I returned alone and made up for this `Umrah. Kindly keep in mind that I had sexual intercourse with my wife after I returned from the first `Umrah. What should my son and I do? (Part No. 10; Page No. 361

A: First: Your son, who did not complete the `Umrah, should put on the Ihram (clothing worn during the ritual state for Hajj and `Umrah) once again and return quickly to Makkah to complete his `Umrah by performing Sa`y and shortening his hair. Second: You should return to Makkah and enter into Ihram (ritual state for Hajj or `Umrah) once again from the Miqat (site for entering the ritual state for Hajj or `Umrah) where you performed your first `Umrah which you invalidated by having sexual intercourse with your wife. You should perform a complete `Umrah to make up for your first invalid `Umrah.You should slaughter a sheep that meets the same conditions for Ud-hiyah (sacrificial animal offered by non-pilgrims) and distribute the meat among the poor people of the Haram (all areas within the Sacred Sanctuary of Makkah). If you could not do this, you should fast for ten days.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
